“How To Solve The
Work From Home Challenge
A Better Way ….”
(Many Guru’s Suggest It’s Real Easy But… Reality Is Somewhat Different)

Ian Office

“…With Proper Information And Guidance”

Here’s a short message from


Thanks for being interested in this additional information.

It’s great that you want to know more about Working From Home.

Because, as noted earlier, it’s not just simply buying the latest shiny object.

Many guru’s suggest all you have to do is buy their latest ‘proven method’

And you can watch the money roll in with minimal effort.

Well I’m sorry! That’s just not the case

No matter how enticing a webpage makes an offer look there’s work to be done.

And in this tumultuous world we now face you need a plan to follow


So here a few ‘needs’ to consider as you start to Work From Home

You need to have a ‘Why’ –  your fundamental driving reason for doing it

You need to have a ‘Who’ – a well defined profile of the customers you wish to serve

You need to have a ‘How’ – the online business model that you will use to achieve it

You need to pick a ‘Niche’ – the market you choose to work in (It’s not irrevocable)

For most of these there can be multiple options – deciding can be the killer

Because there’s….

A High Risk of getting distracted by Shiny Object Syndrome (SOS) 

It’s critical to have a plan so you can maintain your focus on the end goal

Those claims of ‘Overnight success’ have usually take years – even online

It’s difficult to do it all yourself because …..

“You don’t know what you don’t know”

So finding and having the support of a ‘mentor’ is invaluable

How do you minimise these points and achieve a worthwhile result online?

One of the first things that you should do is reduce the “chatter and static” in your online activity.

It is just too easy to sign up to so many sites and groups and that you get overwhelmed with the resultant email and promotions.

You buy something online and then you’re being prompted all the time to buy more.

SO hit that Unsubscribe link on all those unnecessary and unwanted items in you mailbox. You are not going to offend anyone and you’ll regain a lot more FREE time.

If you are serious avoid social media as much as you can. There are a FEW legitimate things Facebook and Twitter etc can help with but the majority of activity there is a timewaster.

Find your “selection” of worthwhile online resources and reliable folk to deal with. This doesn’t have to be immediate. Take time to evaluate them and build these resources slowly. You will get the biggest advantage by first killing the “static and chatter.”

One resource that will can start you on the way is My 57 page report that shows you how to start solving the Work From Home Challenge

Here’s Some Of
What You’ll Find In This Report

A brief introduction and one good definition of ‘Success’ (page 3)

Chapter 1
Summarises some of the key fundamentals and some of the obvious pitfalls (page 4)

Lists some of the advantages building and working online (page 5)

There’s no magic formula. Avoid seduction by those who say it’s ‘Simple and Easy’ (page 6)

Your PhD probably isn’t going to help much. Intelligence and capability aren’t the key (page 7)

  More about the serious advantages of working on line and with some cautions (page 8)

Covers other business models incuding Franchising (page 8)

Outlines the eBook’s purpose and cautions about so called ‘Leaders’ (page 9)

Chapter 2
Who are Leaders and what is True Leadership with some cautions (page 11)

More in-depth coverage of leadership and some of the caveats (page 12)

Characteristics of real leadership (page 13)

Chapter 3
Brief introduction to Marketing Systems

In depth coverage of the risks and issues with membership systems (page 17)

Chapter 4
Explains the importance of understanding your Business Model (page 23)

In depth coverage of different options (page 25)

Option 1: Market a “Biz Opportunity” or System (page 25)
A. Multi-Level Marketing
B. Direct Sales
C. Marketing a Marketing System

Option 2: Sell Another Persons’ Product – Affiliate Marketing (page 29)

Option 3: Produce and Sell Your Own Products (page 33)

Chapter 5
Summary of the factors related to being successful on line (page 36)

Chapter 6
Summary of tools and resources to needed to develop a profitable business (page 38)

Looks in more detail at success factors such as..
A. Finding A Mentor
B. Defining Your Brand
C. Web Site
D. List Building
E. Landing Pages

Chapter 7
Integrity –  Emphasises the need for absolute integrity in business. (page 49)

The Final Take
A few final pointers reinforcing all that has gone before (page 52)

Lists useful people, sites and tools. Some are FREE, others are Affiliate Links (page 54)

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So What’s In This Report?

You get a 57 page report full of useful information with a detailed explanation on how to go about starting an online business from home. 

It contains five chapters together with an Introduction, a final Summary, and five pages of Resources that provide valuable information.

This report provides a good basis which you can use to make a solid step into an online business on the internet. 

Everyone needs to start somewhere, many think about it but do nothing. With this report you can be different, take advantage of the information it contains, and make positive steps to finally get online.

Like most things in life it will not be all beer and skittles, and there will be pitfalls along the way. However the information contained in the report will better prepare you for some of these issues.

Finally, remember that no report, however complete, will guarantee you success online. It also needs commitment, persistance, patience and a desire to learn on the way. Put them altogether and you will be sure to succeed.

Heres to your success


Feel free to get in touch if you need to.

This is my personal email address  ianwhyte44@gmail.com

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P.S.  Apart from death and taxes the only thing that you can be sure of is CHANGE. And the best way to make a change is to do something new and different. Maybe this is your opportunity to do just that.