“How To Set Yourself Up
To Work From Home
In Just a Few of Days….”
(And You Won’t Have To Spend A Fortune To Get A Good Basic Setup) 

Ian Office“…Even If You Have No Idea Where to Start”

Here’s a short message from


The world’s in a strange place right now.

First there was CoVid, then problems in Ukraine, now there’s Inflation.

Many of us are feeling insecure and wonder what’s next on the horizon.

In fact for some of you your whole life and future plans have beeen turned upside down.

So much so you’re actively considering a total change to your work routine.

Like considering Working From Home for the first time

But there is still that niggling doubt about whether you can really do it

So I would like to help remove those doubts and show you how to make a start.

But a bit of background first

Years ago when I first started work (1960) jobs were plentiful and easy to come by.

There were multiple options to choose from. You could leave school at 16 and pick one up quite easily. Many were a bit repetitive and manual but they still paid the bills.

Because there were lots of manufacturing industries and they needed workers to make their factories operate.

But the world has changed dramatically since then. Globalisation has taken root.

container vessel

Many industries moved off-shore to utilise cheaper labour and manufacturing facilities.

And manufacturers became dependant on long and complicated supply lines.

Which has been fine for the last 70 years since WW II …. UNTIL CoVid HIT 

Now we are struggling on many fronts for both goods and jobs.

In a very real sense countries and manufacturers ‘sold their soul to the mighty dollar’ and now many of us are paying a high price because …. 


Industries and jobs have disappeared in a big way from much of the western world.

And today the result is……

Multiple applicants for one job.

Making a short list is something rare

Even if you make the short list, it’s no guarantee of a job

Often you don’t hear anything from a potential employer.

Important workers are undervalued and taken for granted

Many positions are classed as casual or in the Gig economy

So looking for a job in today’s environment might be classed as INSANITY

Insanity – Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result”

Consider these few simple points

Numerous accounts of folk making 10’s and 100’s of applications without success

They want a junior ‘with experience’ – an impossible ask for anyone under 25

Wages have stagnated for many front line workers

While the effort expected from them has increased


The older you are the more common these stories seem to be.

So are there solutions to these problems?

Well, one possibility is to think outside the square. Look beyond the job. For example, are there areas that seem to be going ahead despite current set backs – like the internet

Can you work differently – like working from home – and avoid that commute.

Do you have an interest or a passion that you could use or share with others online.

When you start thinking like that it’s surprising what ideas pop up.

But there’s just one small problem for you – how and where to start!

Now before going any further it’s important to point out that there is no magic bullet that solves all these problems. And this is especially true with promises made regarding the internet and working from home.

It just isn’t that simple. But with guidance and application worthwhile results can be achieved.  My 18 page report shows you how to get started setting up your Home Office. And it gives guidance for those first steps putting your toe in the water.

Here Are Things
You Will Find In This Report:

Working From Home is probably far more common than you think (page 3)

This section outlines the basics that need to be considered starting out (page 4)

The place to start is usually at the begining but it’s not always easy to find. Also touches on Niche Selection (page 5)

Outlines the importance of an active market with buyers and suggests some Markets to consider (page 6)

 Explains ways to generate an income in your chosen Market (page 8)

Basics for defining your objectives and outlines key points on operating your business (page 9)

A vital factor when working from home is to have a routine and schedule your time. This explains why  (page 10)

This section defines the basics of a simple, functional work space work station (page 11)

Reliable Technology is important at home. Three key items needed to function properly are named here (page 12)

Home is very different to an Office environment. Avoiding distractions is important. This section outlines a few points to consider. (page 13)

A few tips on Remaining Focused and Extra Curricula Activity, which are closely related to distractions, are noted too (page 14)

Be sure to communicate. Staying in touch is important especially if you are part of a group

A final section covers a few remaining things to consider like Legal, Financial, and Attire -(Hint PJ’s are not ‘dress of the day’)

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So What’s In This Report?

You will get a concise 18 page report that introduces you how best to start Working From Home.

It deals with the normal worries experienced when starting something new.  Like where to start and how to do the basic tasks and take the actions necessary to get underway.

How to set up a simple office or work station without blowing the budget. Routine, focus, and avoiding distractions are part of the picture.

Because, while technology can be tempting and distracting, it is really gaining knowledge, practise, and persistance that will win the day.

So if you are looking for a change in direction, because of all the recent upheaval in the world, this will help you to understand the first steps for setting up at home.

Remember it will not guarantee success – that depends on you and your determination. But it will point you in the right direction to get started.

Here’s to your success.



Feel free to get in touch if you need to.

This is my personal email address  ianwhyte44@gmail.com

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P.S.  Apart from death and taxes the only thing that you can be sure of is CHANGE. And the best way to make a change is to do something new and different. Maybe this is your opportunity to do just that.